Trotmania III sample Gameplay video(s)


By Berrylicious 06-02-2015 06:36:10

Pony · 18 comments

yeah, finally got around to recording all of the current songs featured in Trotmania III (Note this does not mean all the charts, don't have a lot of interest in doing that.)

Nothing fancy like some of those DDR X vids, mainly because I do not have the tools/time to do that kind of this. This is only meant to be a reference to the current songs available in the pack as well as their song cut showcased.

Trotmania III Playlist
Trotmania Append Playlist

I'll probably keep up with any updates, who knows. Feel free to ask for a specific chart to be showcased if you want (Or upload a video yourself, doesn't really matter to me.)

Why is there two playlists?

Main reason being that since the Append pack released some year ago, I've been meaning to record it but I've never had the chance (Or rather, motivation) until a few months back to do so. As it turned out the Append pack is actually a preview pack for the 3rd main release, however to me this still did not matter as I consider Append to be a different pack entirely.