Night 2

Night 2

So you thought I could tell the difference between an ordinary backup dancer and a pesky fan who has been outright stalking me over the past few months? Your ruse was successful against the festival security team, but I’m watching you, Sun Beamer. By the time the sun rises this morning, you’ll just be another unsigned artist. I don’t think both “Tonight is Infinite” and “Enchanted Record” would have even hit the top 50 on the DanceDance top-seller chart if it wasn’t for my label’s, ahem, “adequate promotion”. Besides, I don’t just sign anyone on Clausula Records. You have to have a special talent.

But don’t we all? Well, mine, if you’re not aware, is a form of mind control and hypnosis; it transports victims into a “projection” of a different reality they can only escape if they fulfill a specific goal. You may have heard something about me needing “enchanted records” to do this. Actually, no. It’s the music itself that matters, not the medium; this is a form of magic that requires me to be exposed to special tones and rhythms, I can “encode” different projections into any old track that affects where the victims are taken. If I listen on my headphones, I can do it to just one person. If I crank it up on a festival-grade speaker rigs, I can do this to an entire crowd! However, I’ve found that external stimuli and “contrasting” music can have a negative impact

I don’t usually do private shows, but I’ve concocted a special set for that “khaotic” stallion if I do end up capturing him. It contains accounts of legendary mares, the great Princess of the Night, and battles against the tyrants of our history. I must bring this personal journal to an abrupt close, however, because I suddenly need to do a “sound check”.

Welcome to Night 2

The festival grounds will soon be full of mares and stallions, awaiting the start of the longest day of the year, and the set times of their favorite producers of course. But a tyranny of madness has begun, and a stallion has fallen into the trance of his enemy. How does one escape? Let’s just say that someone made the call, if you can figure out what we mean…

The original mantra of TrotMania III was a send-up of a quote that is now typically associated with a certain festival that just so happens to be going on right now (i.e. Tomorrowland; we had a vistor to the chat today who said that they were planning on attending, but couldn’t because their car broke down. We feel for you, that really sucks.), so I thought this weekend would be a good time to finally unleash Night 2.

We’re doing patches a little different this time around; instead of the mess of patch ZIPs from TM2, most patches for TM III will be cumulative. This means they will contain all the files from previous patches as well, meaning that you don’t have to download all of them individually if you’re trying to play catch-up. It also means that this patch succeeds Night 1.5 directly, and, alongside the four new songs of Night 2, also contains its nonstop/oni courses and an additional boss song. There’s also an update to the theme, 1.1, which adds a few things.

Some of these songs have an obvious theme and/or motif going on; one that has been apparent throughout TM III so far…

Celestia's Anguish
It's The End of The Moon As We Know It
The Fight Inside (Luna's Caps Lock pt. 2)
One Dark Mare
I'll Show You My Loyalty


For installation assistance, ask on the forum or in comments.

  • DancinDRock

    I don’t have any of the steps for I’ll show you my loyalty whenever I try to download it.

  • ?

    Hey, finally an update. Layout for this update post is interesting but those images sure are large

  • Rose Li

    Is there anyway that you can upload the download on a different site? MEGA seems to not work for me, and I’ve tried on Three different wi-fi connections.



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