A few updates

So, was the Season 5 premiere fun, or what? While you’re distracted by oh my gosh NEW EPISODES! and trying to get your cutie marks back, here’s a few updates from the world of TrotMania:


There’s an SM setup with the TrotMania songs up at BABScon this weekend if you’re in the Bay Area. Thank you, BLANK3T!

TM III Release

We are planning for a release of TrotMania III this month. Stay tuned for further details.

Forum changes

We are also preparing to do some major changes to the forum; there will be a brand new look, along with new features. This will require some downtime, and there will be a slight reorganization of the forum sections themselves following the transition, but all posts and user accounts will remain intact.

 News, III - Aeternum Obscurum  
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