We have a new home, but we still need some fresh blood. We are always looking for new contributors, especially at a time like this. We are looking for people who can…
- Step songs (obviously)
- Maybe even create songs too
- Create artwork (primarily character art in the MLP art style)
There is a section on the new forum known as the Crusaders’ Clubhouse where you can, essentially, audition for these roles by showing off your work. If we believe you are good enough to become a contributor, we’ll send you further information on what’s available for you. You’ll also get access to the secret contributor only forum section too.
Sir Edef #
TM Supervisors,
I am a kid who has played for over 10 years, so the game has been my life. On the other hand, being a Brony is nearly 2. I could help you along with creating songs/adding steps, but I have friends that need to help me with other stuff. We are (technically) the CMC of humans of lower California but we seem to know a little something about each one of the categories: Stepmania in general, DJ-ing and music making, and artwork. Please shoot me a email at siredefincommand@gmail.com and thank you for the whole TrotMania theme so far. It upped my life.
SR Foxley #
Hey folks! I know I’ve beta-tested stepcharts for y’all in the past. I’d be happy to continue doing this for any new content y’all have, eh! Please let me know!
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